1. Company Name*

    2. Email*

    3. To get started, please click every link in the footer of your site. Confirm that every page has content and images. If there are any pages that you are not using, please list those pages below.


    4. Pages not being used

    5. Using the links at the bottom of my site, I have confirmed all social media links are working properly.

    6. I have gone through the process of signing up for my mailing list.


    7. I have gone through the process to purchase a ticket on my website.


    8. I have verified the information on the contact page is correct.


    9. I have read through all FAQs to ensure the answers provided are relevant to my tour.


    10. I need help with:

    11.Through the website setup process I had problems with:

    12. On launch day, your domain records (DNS) will have to be updated to point to the server hosting your new website. Will you be updating this information or would you like the EzSites team to handle this?

    I will update my own DNS records.I would like EzSites to update my DNS records.

    13. What domain name will you be using for your new site?

    13. What will your domain name be?

    14. Where is your domain registered? (i.e. GoDaddy, 1&1, Google Domains)

